The Real Possible Causes of Epidemics/Pandemics
The Spanish Flu of 1918 The Spanish Flu of 1918 that caused the death of tens of millions of people and that was believed to be the result of a virus infection, a mutation from the “Flu Virus” (A/H1N1), was most probably caused by mass poisoning -like every other epidemic-, mainly with vaccines, but also…
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Virus-Wahn – Vortrag von Dr. med. Claus Koehnlein
Possibili vere cause delle epidemie “virali”
Virus influenza spagnola L’influenza spagnola che nel 1918 costò la vita a decine di milioni di persone e che si dice che fu causata da un virus dell’influenza (A/H1N1) mutato fu molto probabilmente invece il risultato di un intossicazione/avvelenamento tramite vaccinazioni di massa e altro. “Gli storici della medicina sono finalmente giunti alla conclusione riluttante…
Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The Viral Fraud
Dr. Stefan Lanka, virologist and molecular biologist, is internationally mostly known as an “AIDS dissident” (and maybe “gentechnology dissident”) who has been questioning the very existence of “HIV” since 1994. In the past years, however, he stumbled over a breathtaking fact: Not even ONE of the (medically relevant) viruses has ever been isolated; there is…